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Disney's Dinosaur multi

Описание: Описание:
Aladar and family are forced to leave their homes for the mainland while life as they know comes to a devastating end. But in Disney's Dinosaur, the end is only the beginning when players navigate their way through more than a dozen different missions with three playable characters and constantly evolving skills that can be upgraded via the exclusive "Intelligent Point System." Additional features include four different kinds of environments and 12 prehistoric landscapes, as well as two variable gameplay modes and a dinosaur encyclopedia with all sorts of fantastical animals. Released exclusively in the European and Japanese territories.

Разработчик/Жанр игры: Disney Interactive/Ubisoft/Action Adventure > Fantasy
Язык интерфейса: ENG
Год выхода/Версия: 2000


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Категория: Игры | Добавил: yulia9 | Теги: Disney's, Dinosaur, MULTI Disney's Dinosaur multi Disney's, Dinosaur, MULTI

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